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DCP5341.JPG 99.69 Kb Handies with the trail to the summit visible. |
DCP5343.JPG 101.75 Kb American Basin & Sloan Lake. |
DCP5344.JPG 121.77 Kb Handies from the E. The course comes along the ridge for a while then drops to the left and into Grizzly Gulch. |
DCP5345.JPG 111.05 Kb Handies from the E. You can see traces of the trail. |
DCP5347.JPG 95.40 Kb You can see all the way from Cataract Gulch at the bottom, up to the Pole Creek aid station, then right and along the length of Pole Creek. You climb out of Pole creek to the right of the curved redish Sheep Mt. Behind Sheep Mt. are the Pyramid shaped Grenadiers. |
DCP5348.JPG 121.40 Kb Sherman is somewhere along the bottom of the picture. Sunshine & Redcloud are on the right edge. |
DCP5349.JPG 142.87 Kb Sherman. Catarcact Gulch goes off to the bottom left corner. |
DCP5350.JPG 99.19 Kb Cataract Gulch. Sunshine & Redcloud in the upper right. |
DCP5351.JPG 106.40 Kb Up from Cataract Gulch. I think the trail goes around the ridge in the bottom right corner. |
DCP5352.JPG 96.28 Kb Some tents near Cataract Lake? |
DCP5353.JPG 102.34 Kb The lake from the last picture is on the right. |
DCP5354.JPG 99.53 Kb Pole Creek. |
DCP5355.JPG 53.08 Kb Looking up the end section of Pole Creek. Sheep Mountain on the left. You climb out towards the right. |
DCP5356.JPG 75.97 Kb |
DCP5357.JPG 96.93 Kb Maggie Gulch below us. I think we climb up the ridge to the right of the road. Then drop over Buffalo Boy and into Cunningham. |
DCP5358.JPG 71.89 Kb I think this is Stony Pass bottom road, Above that Buffalo Boy. Then Maggie Gulch. |
DCP5359.JPG 41.03 Kb Buffalo Boy Tram shed buildings? |
DCP5360.JPG 67.28 Kb Buffalo Boy Tram Shed Buildings. |
DCP5361.JPG 68.71 Kb Buffalo Boy tram shed buildings. |
DCP5362.JPG 110.70 Kb Buffalo Boy tram shed buildings. |
DCP5363.JPG 98.32 Kb Buffalo Boy tram shed buildings. |